
Episode 10: Leslie Berlin on Silicon Valley’s ‘Troublemakers’

Episode Summary

In this ScribdChat, learn how seven exceptional men and women transformed Silicon Valley from an obscure playground for gearhead engineers in the 1970s and '80s to the bustling hub that launched many major tech industries. Leslie Berlin, the author of “Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age,” talks with Inc.’s San Francisco bureau chief Jeff Bercovici about some of the lesser-known figures that shaped Silicon Valley’s past. You can read “Troublemakers” on Scribd for free with your subscription. And if you’re not yet a Scribd member, you can read for free for 30 days by downloading the Scribd app or visiting

Episode Notes

In this episode of ScribdChat, learn how seven exceptional men and women transformed Silicon Valley from an obscure playground for gearhead engineers in the 1970s and '80s to the bustling hub that launched many major tech industries. Leslie Berlin, the author of “Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age,” talks with Inc.’s San Francisco bureau chief Jeff Bercovici about some of the lesser-known figures that shaped Silicon Valley’s past.

You can read “Troublemakers” on Scribd for free with your subscription. And if you’re not yet a Scribd member, you can read for free for 30 days by downloading the Scribd app or visiting

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